St Mile Road, Sakchi, Jamshedpur-01   |     +91 8235046554 | 0657-2432917

Online Classes @ Baug-E-Jamsheed School

Our Commitment : Ensuring Learning continues

Baug E Jamsheed school follows the child centric approach.

Bringing firsts to this city,or the best practices of the early childhood education from around the world, it has been part of ur repertoire for the past 40 years. The steady quest for providing a quality early childhood programme to the city of Jamshedpur has lead us to develop and evolve a specially curated activity based online programme for our little ones.

Our online classes are held on five days a week for a maximum of 1.5 hours .They are a balanced mix of conceptual and cocurricular activities fostering the overall development of the child. An integrated approach and awareness of age wise milestones guide the developmentally appropriate curriculum.

Activity based learning and activities based on all domains of development ensure that the classes are stress free and enjoyable.

Very successful online classes conducted in 2020.

Very encouraging parent feedback.

With an experienced and well trained team we are equipped to take on new challenges as well as online classes for 2021 also.(As the circumstances may be)